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Radically Inclusive 

Embracing and Celebrating Diversity

Radical Inclusion

The Beauty of Diversity in Creation

At the heart of our faith is a profound understanding: the beauty of God's creation is amplified by its diversity. The richness of our world, much like a tapestry, comes from the variety of cultures, identities, and perspectives it encompasses. Valuing this diversity goes beyond mere appreciation; it is a fundamental expression of our faith. Recognising each individual as an integral part of God's wondrous design affirms that every unique expression of life contributes to the overall splendour of creation.

The Gospel's Core Message

Embodying Unconditional Love and Welcome

The essence of the Gospel lies in radical, unwavering inclusion, offering a love without limits that extends to every corner of humanity. Embracing this message recognises that to love as God loves means opening our arms and hearts to everyone, without exception. This vibrant inclusion embraces individuals from all walks of life, reflecting God's boundless love.


True inclusion challenges us to go beyond our natural inclination to embrace only those who are similar to us. This selective approach dishonours the rich diversity present in God's creation. Inclusion should not require the included to conform or change; such transformation is in God's hands. Our task is to include unconditionally because when we do, we contribute to the unity of creation, which is Kingdom work. Unity does not require uniformity.  By practising this kind of inclusive love, we align with the Gospel's heart, building a community that truly embodies God's expansive and embracing love.

Embracing the Marginalised

Learning from the Woman's Healing

Jesus' commitment to radical inclusivity is vividly demonstrated in the story of the Woman's Healing (Mark 5:25-34). Despite her marginalisation and the societal norms of her time, her act of faith led to recognition, kindness, and healing from Jesus. This moment is a powerful illustration of Jesus' approach to challenging social norms and extending compassion to those ostracised by society.


This inclusivity is further evidenced in Jesus' numerous interactions with those considered outsiders in society. From dining with tax collectors like Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) and prostitutes to conversing with a woman at the well (John 4:1-26), Jesus consistently broke social barriers, extending his message of love and acceptance to all. These encounters underscore his mission to include those on society's fringes, offering them the same dignity and compassion as others. These stories not only exemplify Jesus' inclusive approach but also inspire our mission of love and inclusion, urging us to emulate His example in both our communal and personal lives, reaching out to and embracing those who are often overlooked or excluded.

Sanctification Through Diversity

Growing Spiritually by Embracing Differences

Embracing diversity is more than a moral duty; it's a pathway to sanctification and spiritual growth. Opening ourselves to the breadth of human experiences enriches our understanding of the divine and challenges us to evolve. This journey of inclusion deepens our empathy, broadens our perspectives, and transforms us spiritually. Our commitment to diversity is thus a commitment to our spiritual path, leading us towards greater love, understanding, and a deeper connection with the essence of God's creation.

Questions for Reflection

Deepening you Spiritual Journey
  1. How does the concept of radical inclusion challenge your personal approach to community and relationships?

  2. Reflect on a time when you felt included meaningfully, regardless of your background or identity. How did this experience shape your understanding of God's inclusive love?

  3. Consider ways you can actively participate in building a community of acceptance and love that mirrors the inclusivity Jesus demonstrated. What steps can you take to foster this environment in your own life?

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